Sustainability: our CSR commitment

French Fab durabilité We are convinced that corporate social and environmental responsibility is a source of future and collective values. Let’s aim for “better environmental performance”!

(c) Technilum
(c) Kevin Dolmaire
(c) Kevin Dolmaire
(c) Hugo Da Costa
(c) Kevin Dolmaire
(c) Kevin Dolmaire
(c) Hugo Da Costa
(c) Technilum

Photos credits ©Technilum ©Kevin Dolmaire ©Hugo Da Costa

Ecovadis gold medal for our CSR commitments

As a specialist in outdoor urban lighting, Technilum® makes a concrete contribution to improving safety and well-being in public spaces.

ISO 14001 certified, we have been awarded a gold medal by the independent Ecovadis label and our commitment is constant. It follows 4 major axes.

Sustainable production (and lighting)

Sustainable production and lighting

  • Maximum reduction of our carbon impact
  • Recommendation of the most appropriate solutions, adapted to each environment
  • A durable, efficient & energy saving equipment. As such, we adhere to the LED 2020 Charter of Syndicat de l’Eclairage, of which it is a member.
  • A 100% recyclable aluminum material. Our aluminum is 75% recycled. Its lightness reduces the environmental cost of transport, its robustness allows a long life… Discover all its benefits!

Imagining tomorrow’s city

Imagining tomorrow's city

  • Making the city safer, more pleasant, sustainable, agile and inclusive: urban development must meet these requirements.
  • Evolutive and multi-functional poles: they adapt to the uses and the environment.
  • External technical rails allowing and facilitating the attachment and adjustment of accessories and floodlights
  • A mutualization that drastically limits emergences, for a calmer public space, and limited implementation costs. Discover our smart and connected solutions!

To be a committed territorial actor

Committed territorial and economic player Since its beginnings, Technilum has been committed to bringing Béziers and its region to life and influence. Geographical proximity is therefore an important purchasing criterion, whether regional, French or European.

Logo RFAR charter for responsible purchasing and supplier relations Since June 21, 2022, Technilum has been an official signatory of the RFAR Charter “Supplier Relations & Responsible Purchasing”. We are a little more committed to responsible purchasing and ensuring quality relationships with our supplier partners.

  • 74 suppliers/subcontractors in our region, representing 44% of our purchases.
  • 96% of our purchases are made in Europe.
  • 79% of our purchases are made in France.
  • Distribution of the global sum of purchases, in euros, over the year 2023.

carte de France avec pourcentage d'achats en provenance d'Occitanie et nombre de salariés

Developing our human capital

Developing our human capital

  • Attracting, retaining and growing our teams is our raison d’être.
  • We are committed to the well-being of everyone and to equality and inclusion within our teams regardless of gender, age, origin, sexual orientation, religion, etc.
  • We attach great importance to training and transmission and regularly accompany work-study students and interns. A great way to train and acquire new skills!

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