The project
Continuing its commitment to “Sustainable Roads”, the Hérault department is responding to the needs and uses of local residents with a new car-sharing area in Béziers!
The new car park has 165 spaces and other facilities promoting intermodality, such as a bus platform, a drop-off point and paths dedicated to soft modes of transport.
For its public lighting, the département has chosen our Terret lampposts equipped with ELFE fixture (Eco-designed, Lightweight, Flexible, Elegant). Its LED lighting can be adjusted independently of the led fixture, allowing to easily adjust the light to the desired areas and save energy thanks to its low energy consumption. Manufactured in the Occitanie region, less than 10 km from the car-sharing area, the “Sustainable Roads” is globally eco-designed, right down to the choice of the street lighting.
FranceJuly 2022© Photo credit: