The project
To face the 21st century’s mobility challenge, the conurbation of Nîmes, South of France, has developped an ambitious network of public transportation. In parrallel, the historical part of the city beneficiated of a complete refurbishment. With the help of Agence On, lighting designers, Technilum has developped for this project a new event pole named Matis. Original lighting patterns now dress up the streets of Nîmes for a functional and aestheitc result.
FranceMarch 2017© Photo credit:
Didier Boy de la Tour
FranceMarch 2017© Photo credit:
Didier Boy de la Tour
Contracting authority : Ville de NîmesArchitect : Antoine Grumbach Associés / Thierry BruchetLighting designer : Agence ON
Product(s) used
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